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Law Offices Of David Bliven
Law Offices Of David Bliven
  • White Plains Office 19 Court Street
    Suite 206
    White Plains, NY 10601
  • Bronx Office 3190 Riverdale Avenue
    Suite 1
    Bronx, NY 10463

Coparent and I can’t agree on the preschool for our child. What can I do?

  • By: David Bliven

Q: We share joint legal custody and I have physical custody. Our toddler is 3 and a half and I brought up to my coparent a really good preschool I found for our son but He does not agree with that preschool. The preschool I found is in the city where I live. But father is stating we should be picking a school in between both our homes. What do I do if we cannot agree on a preschool for our child?

A: Many joint custody agreements have provisions specifying what to do in the event of a conflict – so your first stop is the agreement. If there is no such provision, then you can informally follow the “Professional Model” (which most joint custody agreements have anyway) – meaning you retain an educational consultant & be guided by his/her recommendation. Schedule a consult with a Bronx Child Custody attorney for a full assessment.

David Bliven, Esq.

Serving primarily White Plains and the Bronx, we provide
guidance for a range of family law considerations
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