Child Custody And Child Support
When a divorcing couple has children, things become far more complicated. Ideally, parents will be able to put their differences aside and move forward as co-parents, mutually agreeing upon a custody, child support, and a parenting plan. Though it often takes a good deal of negotiation, some parents are able to come to this sort of agreement on their own, and may even be able to do so in pre-litigation, avoiding the time and expense of a Family Court hearing.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There are many reasons why divorcing parents may not be able to come to a custody arrangement on their own. Some parents are still acrimonious toward one another, and are unable to fully separate their feelings about one another from the process of deciding custody. the case of some divorcing parents, there is a history of domestic violence or an Order of Protection preventing negotiation from happening. Any and all of these scenarios can prevent parents from being able come to an agreement themselves.
In these cases, a Family Court judge hears the arguments of both parents, but ultimately only as they pertain to what is in the “best interest of the child.” In New York State, the best interest of the child is the central guiding factor when it comes to how the judge will rule on custody matters. The custody arrangement that best serves the child’s best interest is decided by considering a wide range of factors. In addition to the respective desires of both parents and (after a certain age) the child, deciding factors include questions like which parent has been the primary caretaker, which parent has the most capacity to care for the child, and the physical and mental health of both parents and the child, among others.
Every parent wants what is best for their children, and wants to be able to advocate effectively on their behalf. Attorney David Bliven offers comprehensive, determined child custody representation Whether through pre-litigation negotiation or through persuasive argument in the court room, his child custody and support services may include:
- Custody-related mediation
- Parenting plan development and negotiation
- Child custody agreements
- Child support agreements
- Child support and custody modifications
- Parental visitation rights and scheduling
- Foster care and adoption cases
- Termination of parental rights
- Grandparent’s rights
Protecting Children Throughout The Divorce Process
Children are the most important consideration in any divorce proceeding and, in New York, a number of laws are in place to make sure their interests are protected. The courts recognize that it is important for children to have stability and be able to maintain their most important relationships. It must be shown that their financial and medical needs are met.
For parents, meeting stipulations can be difficult to balance with protecting one’s own legal goals and rights. The Law Offices of David Bliven can help. David has dedicated himself to family law for 20 years. With offices in White Plains and the Bronx, he works hard to make sure parents retain the rights to care for their children and that the child’s upbringing is provided for in a fair manner.
A Comprehensive Array Of Services To Support Your Child
Our firm offers knowledgeable and effective representation in a comprehensive range of considerations. We are skilled in devising child support and custody agreements, and making modifications to those agreements as the child continues to grow. We are adept in matters stemming from relocation — if a parent wants to move out of state, for example, or even just to a different borough. We also facilitate arrangements concerning nonparental care, including issues of grandparents’ rights, adoption and foster care. Additionally, we provide counsel in scenarios when a child has been neglected or abused.
Keep Control Of Your Parental Rights
To learn more about how our firm can safeguard your child’s future, reach out to us. You can fill out our online contact form, or call us at (347) 797-1188 | (914) 362-3080. We provide initial assessments and can schedule full consultations as needed.

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