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Q: My sister and her baby father are both unfit for a child. They both do a bunch of drugs and alcohol. I live in Sc and my soon to be born niece is in NY. Is there any way I got get emergency custody of my niece until she becomes a fit parent again? My sister can’t take her and my mother is disabled. I’m the only able person who can. I receive FS for my son. I can also get a job to support my niece and my fiancé has a stable job. She is unfit and I’m the only person who can take care my a child(ren)
A:If the parents aren’t consenting to you having custody, then the burden will be on you to prove they have a drug/alcohol addiction which poses a risk of harm to the child. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may consider getting CPS involved. Schedule a consult with a Westchester Child Custody attorney for a full assessment.