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Law Offices Of David Bliven
Law Offices Of David Bliven
  • White Plains Office 19 Court Street
    Suite 206
    White Plains, NY 10601
  • Bronx Office 3190 Riverdale Avenue
    Suite 1
    Bronx, NY 10463

Would Like to Know if I’m Divorced or Not?

  • By: David Bliven

Q: “I got divorced in Dominican Republic but none of us went there. We were married in NY but when we got divorced we were living in Florida. I moved back to NY and he stayed in Florida and he lives in a house that we both bought while we were married.. Now people are telling me I’m not divorced because Dominican Republic divorce is not valid since neither one of us were there just the attorney from NY but he just remarried.”

A: If both parties participated in the D.R. divorce, then it’s most likely valid. That said, if your divorce decree is from Florida, then the answer to your question would depend in Florida law, not NY. If you have a further question about a NY divorce, then call a Bronx Divorce attorney for more info.

David Bliven, Esq.

Serving primarily White Plains and the Bronx, we provide
guidance for a range of family law considerations
Call Us Now - (347) 797-1188 | (914) 362-3080