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Law Offices Of David Bliven
Law Offices Of David Bliven
  • White Plains Office 19 Court Street
    Suite 206
    White Plains, NY 10601
  • Bronx Office 3190 Riverdale Avenue
    Suite 1
    Bronx, NY 10463

What Age Does A Child Have To Be, To Say He/she Does Not Want To Visit With Other Parent In NY. State

  • By: David Bliven, Esq.

Q: at what age can a child say he/she does not want to go on visitation with the non-custodial parent, In NY state

A: David’s Answer: There is no bright-line rule, but generally if a child is high-school age, the Judge pretty much goes along with whatever his/her preferences are. That said, one would need to assess many other factors, such as the nature of the agreement, existence of any alienation, age/development of the child, etc., to render a definitive opinion. Schedule a consult with a Putnum/Westchester Child Custody attorney for a full assessment. – David Bliven, Westchester Child Custody attorney (

David Bliven, Esq.

Serving primarily White Plains and the Bronx, we provide
guidance for a range of family law considerations
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