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Q: My 17 year old cousin has a child with a 24 year guy. The child is 1 year of age and it’s the 2 child they have. The first pregnancy occurred while she was 14, however she had a miscarriage and lost the child. They have recently split up and he refuses to pay child support. He threatened to take the child away since he is undocumented it would difficult to find him. She wants to take him to court for custody of the child and child support. However she doesn’t want to bring him any harm. If she were to pursuit legal action against the childs father what are the possible outcomes?
A: David’s Answer: Though technically he committed statutory rape (most likely), such prosecutions in NYC are rare. Thus, unless he’s contesting custody, the likely outcome would be an order of sole custody & an order of support. Have your cousin call a Bronx Child Support attorney to schedule a consult for a full assessment.