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Q: NCP has daughter every other weekend from friday evening till Sunday afternoon. Since it is the first time, I provided a bag for her but I want to know is NCP supposed to provide his own pajamas and clothing for the child as well as toothbrush/toothpaste, body soap and other little things like that. Am I supposed to be responsible for packing a bag? This wasn’t discussed in court and we have no communication with each other. I tried asking if he could get her a toothbrush and I received no answer.
A: David’s Answer: Packing a bag is prudent in this situation, especially if the NCP is paying child support. The rationale is that the child support is intended to cover all the basics for the child including clothing & personal effects. That said, the NCP should generally have items like toothpaste & soap, but would not necessarily have to buy specific brands to suit the child’s desires. Schedule a consult with a Bronx Family Law attorney for a full assessment.