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Q-I got devoice in 2019. In 2020, my ex wife filed a case in family court and accused me failure to pay child support in time. (it’s a long story, actually I didn’t. Because we were in asset distribution process at the time, She owes me money, I asked her to deduct child support from the money she owe and pay me the rest, but she refused and filed the case. And actually until today, she still didn’t pay me the money from asset distribution. I am too lazy to argue). The judge said the case is for child support, if she owe me other money, I need to file a separate case. Then she won and I paid the child support after case closed.
It just happened yesterday that I found out the amount she claimed in the case has a miscalculation, she claimed $2k more than she should. It’s been almost two years since the case was closed, are there any way I can do to get miscalculated amount back?
A- You may need to make an application to re-open or modify the divorce judgment. If she failed to pay you money she owed you, you can also request in the same motion that the judgment be enforced. Schedule a consult with a White Plains Child Support attorney for a full assessment.