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I am divorced from my wife. We have 2 kids, ages 7 and 8. Over my objection, she wants to relocate with them to Portland, OR. in “no way, shape or form”, is it in their “best interests”, to do so. The kids’ court-appointed attorney has already interviewed them about the move and they were unsure about it. The judge scheduled a trial, which will help he make a determination one way or another. Prior to the trial, this attorney wants to interview them YET AGAIN, and if the kids now want to go, he’ll approve the move! I don’t want him to interview the kids any more. I’ve never been abusive towards them, they love me very much, the mother has not fully cooperated with all the court orders involving visitation over the last 6 years. The 3,000 mile distance is insurmountable. For all intents and purposes, any orders, e.g., nightly telephone calls, religious upbringing, visitation set forth by a NY court will thereby by unenforceable. This attorney is just hoping to wear my kids down.
A: It is reasonable for an attorney representing children to interview them numerous times during the course of his/her representation. Of course, this depends on the length of time the case lasts, as well as the age of the child. As you presumably have an attorney representing you, if you’re looking for a 2d opinion, call a Westchester Child Custody attorney to schedule a consult.