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Q: I’m a stay at home mom, no income. My husband gave me his credit card to use, his credit, his name. He recently gave me a credit card with my name on it, but used his credit. The cards are both from the same company, same limit but different names and different numbers. We’re at a rocky point in our marriage and has discussed divorce but are attempting to work on things (not going very well). Should I be concerned? Is he trying to establish separate charges? Accounts, history, ect? Should I use the card?
A: As a general rule, any debt which accrues during a marriage is marital debt – regardless of who’s name the card is in. If your husband’s earning adequate income, he should just forward you money to your bank account – as opposed to you running up credit debt. I’d thus suggest that you put it in writing to him that this suggestion makes better fiscal sense. Schedule a consult with a Westchester Divorce Attorney for a full assessment.